Sunday, August 27, 2023

Book Review: God of Malice

God of Malice by Rina Kent

Quote: "You'll pray to every deity on earth, but I'll be your custom-made merciless god. I might not process emotions normally, but if you hurt what's mine, I'll be the one to spit on your fucking grave."

Blurb: I caught the attention of a monster. I didn't ask for it. Didn't even see it coming. But the moment I do, it's too late.

Killian Carson is a predator wrapped in sophisticated charm. He's cold-blooded, manipulative, and savage. The worst part is that no one sees his devil side.

I do.

And that will cost me everything. I run, but the thing about monsters? They always chase. 

My Personal Views: After I finished reading this book, all I could ask myself was- what the fuck was that? And not in a good way really. 

Let me tell you, with all the praises I had heard, I expected a lot more from Rina Kent's book, but unfortunately, for me, it feels like Rina Kent is quite overrated. I mean, alright, I knew what kind of book it was and I had heard that her MMC's are always quite dark or morally dark, per say. But I really didn't expected what I got from Killian Carson.

I will try to wrap this up without any spoilers, like I almost always do.

When I picked this book up, I kind of knew what I was going into and after reading Haunting Adeline, (which I kind of liked) I thought I would have no problem liking this book as well. I knew that Killian is going to be a sociopath however what I didn't knew and was not at all prepared for was him having these serial killer vibes or urges. 

And let me tell you, having finished watching Dahmer on Netflix just a day before, I was not at all happy with diving into this book with a male main character, who kind of reminds me of that serial killer. I would not at all recommend watching this series before reading this book.

Anyways, if we even keep that whole serial killer vibes of his to the side, another thing that I did not appreciated of Mr. Killian Carson, is how he did not respected our female main character, Glyndon King's feelings. In one of the chapter's where we got to read Killian's point of view, he even calls her expressing her feelings and being angry with him "a tantrum". A fucking tantrum.

Now, you might have noticed my dislike for Killian from my above rambling. But, I did not end up liking Glyndon King, our FMC either. Look, I love a strong FMC in a book and sometimes I even like soft FMC but a female main character who is as dumb as her? No. No. 

I found Glyndon King to be a bit dumb and a bit weak. Bro, I don't think Killian has done one good thing for her in the whole book except for punching some bad guys. And the book is almost 450 pages long. But this girl still ends up falling for the serial killer dude??? Girl, no.

The only thing I liked in the whole book was Remi and he doesn't even have that many scenes. 

I thought about reading some other Rina Kent book even though I quite didn't like her this one, but after reading all the reviews, I don't think I am going to try one. 

Ratings: ⭐⭐/ 5

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Book Review: Better than the Movies

 Better than the Movies by Lynn Painter

"I fell in love with teasing you in the second grade, when I first discovered that I could turn your cheeks pink with just a word. Then I fell in love with you."

Blurb: Liz Buxbaum has always known Wes Bennett was not boyfriend material. You would think that her next-door neighbor would be a prime candidate for her romantic comedy fantasies, but Wes has only proven himself to be a pain in the butt, ever since they were little. Wes was the kid who put a frog in her Barbie Dreamhouse, the monster who hid a law gnome's severed head in her little homemade neighborhood book exchange. 

Flash forward ten years from the Great Gnome Decapitation. Its Liz's senior year, a time meant to be rife with milestones perfect for any big screen, and she needs Wes's help. See, Liz's forever crush, Michael, has just moved back to town, and- horribly, annoyingly- he's hitting it off with Wes. Meaning that if Liz wants Michael to finally notice her, and hopefully be her prom date, she needs Wes. He's her in.

But as Liz and Wes scheme to get Liz her magical prom moment, she's shocked to discover that she actually likes being around Wes. And as they continue to grow close, she must reexamine everything she thought she knew about love- and rethink her own perception of what Happily Ever After should really look like. 

My Personal Views: If you are someone who absolutely loves rom-com movies like, 10 things I hate about you, when Harry met Sally, 500 Days of Summer, How to lose a guy in 10 days, etc. like myself, then this is the perfect book for you. 

This book CARRIED the enemies-to-lovers trope. You know that trope where the female lead thinks that the male lead hates her and she hates him too but in truth, the male lead has been in love with her all his life. If you LOVE that trope, then this book IS FOR YOU!

I can not explain it enough how good this book was, but throughout the whole book while reading I was smiling goofily that probably I might have made a fool of myself whenever I had been reading it in public. However, my favorite part in the whole book was WES BENNETT.

Oh, my adorable golden retriever energy, Wessy Boy <3

He is my favorite character in the whole book of course. I mean, how can one not fall in love with Wes?? That man is the goal, ladies. 

The book was great but what I think personally, would have made this book just perfect would probably if we would have gotten Wes's point of view as well instead of only Liz's. We do get some of his point of view in the 'Better than the Prom' book however, it just wasn't enough for me, I feel. Also, I don't know if you have read it or not (I personally would think you're an idiot if you have not read it yet), but we got to see jealous Wes!!??? Man is so dreamy. 

This book is very wholesome, trust me. Sorry for all the fangirling over Wes Bennett, but he is pretty impressive. 

We also have this book's sequel coming out next year, for which I cannot wait enough. Would be getting my hands on that book as soon as it releases for real. Also, I have a feeling that we would be getting a movie of this book pretty soon, I don't know why.

Ratings: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/ 5

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Book Review: Brutal Prince

Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."

Blurb: The Griffins and the Gallos have been battling for control of Chicago's underworld for generations. 

Their bitter rivalry reignites when Aida, the youngest and wildest Gallo sibling, crashes a party at the Griffin mansion, accidentally setting fire to the library. 

To stave off all-out war, her father arranges a marriage with Callum Griffin, eldest son and heir. 

Cold, ambitious, and brutal, Callum is determined to tame his headstrong bride. Aida is more than capable of giving as good as she gets- starting with poisoning Callum on their wedding night. 

In their struggle for dominance, who will break first?

My Personal Views: This book was just... wow. I mean, the book had great characters, my favorite being Aida Gallos of course. She is straight-up a firecracker. She made me cackle a laugh so many times, I mean that girl was so real. On the other hand, Callum Griffin was this cold and someone who always has a stick up his ass kind of a guy. Both polar opposite but, they made it work somehow. Where Aida is a fun girl, Callum is a strict man. I mean, dude was a politician, what else did you expect? 

Now that was a first for me to be honest, the main guy being a politician. I have read so many books where the main guy is either a businessman, car racer, student, etc. etc. but this is the first time I have read when the main male character is a politician. That was different. 

Something that I totally loved was their bickering and banter. That was good. Some scenes were spicy as hell, not going to lie. The plot and story was great. The side character were pretty good. 

One thing that I did find that did not worked out for me was their chemistry and I am not talking about their physical chemistry no, I felt the romantic chemistry was a bit missing. I think the author could have done a better job in that segment, in showing us a little bit more of their romantic chemistry. Because I feel, they had too much physical chemistry that kind of overshadowed their romantic one. I honestly feel the author could have done MUCH BETTER job in that. 

One more disappointment for me was when I found out that Nero and Nessa don't have another book and they have different books with someone else. I mean, WHAT??? I was rooting for them alright? I thought they would be paired together and we will get another book for them or something because I thought they would be perfect together. But they don't have book together? I was so disappointed. Of course, the author knows better, and if I give their books a chance, I might even like who they end up with. But... nah. They should have gotten together. In my world, they already are. 

Anyways, coming to our two main characters, they were perfect for each other. Oh yes, I also liked the pictures thingy that the author had in the book in different scenes. It really made me imagine their scenes better. Also, all the love to Callum for his sarcasm, it was always on point.      

Coming to the other books of our dear author, Sophie Lark, I might try Nessa's book which is the second part of the series called, Stolen Heir but I don't think it is going to happen anytime soon. 

Ratings: ⭐⭐⭐/ 5

Book Review: Normal People by Sally Rooney

Normal People by Sally Rooney Quote: "Most people go though their whole lives, Marianne thought, without ever really feeling that close...