Saturday, November 12, 2022

Book Review: The Alchemist


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Quote: "What's the world's greatest lie?"

"It's this: at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie."

Plot: The Alchemist is a story about dreams, love and what does truly destiny and life mean? This is a fable of a shepherd boy named Santiago, who goes in a search of treasure after having recurring dreams about it. In his journey, he encounters life-threatening situations, friends, love, and some choices he has to make in the pursuit of the treasure. 

This is an unforgettable story about listening to our hearts and following our dreams.  

My Personal Views: For me, personally the story got better over time, and when I reached almost the end. The end is actually what caught me by surprise. The story was pretty good and the message it delivers is also something that I think, we should all follow in our daily lives. As someone who never thought would be a fan of "self-help books" I never thought I would like it. 

The best scene was the whole conversation that happened between Santiago and dessert, wind and sun. That was where I think the author's real thoughts and writing shone the brightest. It was quite interesting to read.

However, as much as I liked the book, at times I felt bored. Sometimes I felt it took too much of a spiritual turn and as someone who is not much of a spiritual person, I wasn't interested in reading that.

Also, I think, better than the book, Paulo Coelho's (The author) author's note??? Best author's note I've ever read!!! There was this whole interview of his also that was in the book which I super liked. I liked the author's personality and his way of thinking far better than the book. He sure looks like an intelligent and has-it-all-sorted kind of person. I would love to read his autobiography if he ever does decide to write that.   

Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/ 5


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